Common Core in the Classroom

How can educators best prepare themselves and students for the new and rigorous demands of the Common Core State Standards?  How will learning within the classroom change as a result of the new changes?  These are some questions I began reflecting upon this week as our team has begun rolling out the new Common Core modules this week. 

In my experience with the standards thus far, I am finding that the curriculum requires students to engage in a lot more questioning.  The students are essentially working towards solving a puzzle; in other words, how does what the students are learning within the classroom relate to the real world?

One of my favorite elements the CCSS allows is the ability for students to make different connections when learning.  Students are provided with multiple ways to solve a problem, which keeps in mind that all students learn differently.  By offering different strategic approaches for solving, thinking, and remembering, the greater the chance of increasing student understanding.

The following video provides a comprehensive look into how teaching to the Common Core affects classroom practice.  The video guide provides questions to consider as you watch the video:
- How will open-ended problem solving prepare students for future Math classes?
- How will the addition of speaking and listening standards shape classroom activities?
- How does analyzing lessons for Common Core alignment help this group of teachers with their own practice?


 Ms. Vince

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