That's a Wrap!

A key topic in our staff meeting this week was utilizing effective strategies to close out a lesson.  I love opportunities to learn from other teachers and better understand some techniques being implemented in their classrooms. J

Typically, I use exit slips that ask students to summarize one key fact learned about the lesson and list areas that are still unclear.  These types of exit slips are an effective strategy because they allow me to assess students’ understanding of the materials.  Have the children truly understood what was being asked of them this period?  Are they aware of the topic’s main idea?  By assessing student responses I can better gauge understanding and determine pacing for my next day’s lesson.

However, this past staff meeting encouraged me to rethink and refresh my method.  I was introduced to some wonderful, creative ideas for closing a lesson! J  Among my favorites were:
  • Illustrating a cartoon to summarize a topic,
  • Creating newspaper story headlines to answer a question prompt,
  • Composing a song to highlight key facts,
  • Designing a catchy bumper sticker regarding a main idea, and
  • Writing a note to an “absent” friend to fill him in on what material was missed in class.

When I arrived home from school I did some further investigating on the Internet.  I came across this really great idea that allows a teacher to assess progress, but also shows off students’ knowledge to the school community. 

Have students jot down on a sticky note a key idea that “stuck” with them during that activity.  What a colorful bulletin board idea!  Check out for more suggestions!

Take Care,

Ms. Vince

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